“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world ”.
What do ancient mathematician and physicist, Archimedes, and 21st century IT professional, Justin Denham have in common?
Plenty! …
The IT Professional
Justin Denham has a firm grip on the powerful Crypto / NFT lever and is poised and ready to move the world with massive conservation and humanitarian efforts. As the obsessed, driving force behind the creation of The Rarest DAO, Justin has assembled an all-star team of geeks, nerds, business leaders, artists, and humanitarians who share the common goals of preserving our natural heritage and empowering the underprivileged to lift themselves into self-reliance through service and education. The two goals are intertwined and can be accomplished almost simultaneously.
Service to Others
Such an effort comes naturally to Justin. He has spent his life in service to others, first in military service to his country and then in humanitarian service both locally and internationally. A highly-decorated veteran of the United States Army, Justin was deployed in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, and Qatar. After 8 years of service in several countries, Justin was medically discharged. Nevertheless, what he witnessed of severe poverty, squalor, destitution, and inequality left him with a burning desire to do something about it. Following his discharge, a two-week mission trip to Thailand became the drawing board on which he would create his plan.
By education, training, and experience Justin is a highly-qualified IT professional for one of the world’s largest tech companies. He is also a visionary who, early on, saw the coming tsunami of crypto technology and NFT’s. He spared no effort to qualify himself as an expert. Malcolm Gladwell popularized the notion that 10,000 hours of training, practice, and experience would qualify one as an expert in any given subject. Justin exceeded the 10,000-hour threshold long ago. He also possesses the happy combination of technical mastery and the ability to explain the complex in simple terms so that every day people can understand and engage.
Other Projects
Justin and his team created Endangered Mints as the springboard to address the most pressing need, that of saving endangered species, particularly in Africa. Once that initiative is well underway, and concurrent to its eventual fulfillment, the empowerment of the underserved and underprivileged through education will secure not only the conservation efforts but the lives and the futures of current and future generations of human beings who are valuable and talented but who do not yet have access to opportunities to thrive.
The Rarest is another project geared towards helping everyday people. The Rarest DAO is a project that will help Americans to have the ability to enjoy the upsides that only the “one percent” or the “Ultra Rich” could benefit from. The Rarest DAO serves the American everyday people to have access to acquire modern-day treasures as fractionalized NFTs.
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