Who used Goliath Powered Armor?
Powered Armor is a type of equipment that has been taller than a soldier. So resembling a suit and has a rich set of features. And The Expanse Roberta Bobbie Draper’s Goliath Powered Armor is one of the terrifying sights on the battlefield used by Military marines.
The Martian Marine Corps Force Recon Marines wear Goliath Powered Armor. That allows them to walk through a nuclear blast crater minutes after the impact. And one of them is Roberta “Bobbie” Draper.
Why is this armor is rare?
Goliath Power Armor is two and a half meters tall and weighs 400 kilos before a soldier goes inside. This suit is a formidable offensive and defensive weapon. Most small arms can’t penetrate these outfits.
It has an internal multi-barrel minigun that fires armor-piercing and a high-explosive. Inbuilt RPGs have also been demonstrated to be worn within the back of the Armor and maybe aimed remotely. Soldiers may walk through a nuclear bomb crater minutes after the blast because the Armor has enough radiation shielding. The Armor’s titanium and ceramic-composite external shielding make this suit camouflage. Squad leaders can also check the state of their squad’s life signs and equipment. In addition, the weapons integrated within the Goliath power armor are DNA encoded. That means only the designated Marine user can use it.
Another thing is, the key to making this suit rare was the actor Frankie Adams. The one who portrays Bobbie Draper in the show. She is fantastic in this role!
Who owns this armor today?
Last October 2021, National Air and Space Museum acquired this iconic The Expanse Roberta Bobbie Draper’s Goliath Powered Armor. The Alcon television group donated it to them. If this Powered Armor Suit sells today, the estimated price is $325,000.
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