Bill Tilden 1920 Wimbledon Trophy

Who’s the man behind this trophy?

One of the most valuable sports collectibles globally is Bill Tilden 1920 Wimbledon Trophy.

William “Big Bill” Tilden is a tennis legend player from the United States who dominated the sport for more than a decade. He was famous as “Big Bill” from 1920 to 1926 and governed the game to a tee. During that time, Tilden, 6’2″ tall, won six straight U.S. Men’s singles titles in the National Championships and Wimbledon twice. He followed that up by winning 13 consecutive Davis Cup matches and guiding the United States to a Davis Cup record seven successive victories over the best players from Australia, France, and Japan. 

Tilden became the pioneer American to win the Wimbledon championships in consecutive years. Throughout his career, he won ten Grand Slam titles. He was one of the most memorable sports stars of the 1920s because of his dominating play and fiery disposition. 

Imaged by Britannica

How rare is this trophy?

Bill Tilden has been called the most outstanding player in the history of male singles. A player who transformed the game of tennis with his cannon a serve, psychological prowess, paralyzing drop shots, and agile backcourt play.

Tilden’s fight in 1920 also took place at Wimbledon. Wimbledon is the only Grand Slam tournament on the green grass today.

The winning moment where Tilden made history and where it took place. Plus, the award he earned is what this item has become: a one-of-a-kind achievement, location, and recognition.

Not only is Bill Tilden’s trophy from Wimbledon in 1920 one of the most costly sports memorabilia in the world, but it’s also the most significant tennis trophy.

Imaged by International Hall of Fame

What is the current value of this trophy in dollars?

Bill Tilden 1920 Wimbledon Trophy Grand Slam Men’s Singles was auctioned off by Christie‘s in 1992. This auction resulted in the purchase of the Tilden Trophy for $71,500. In today’s dollars, that’s around $900,000.

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